Big changes, all! My last day of work at DWS passed on 8/23/10, I turned in my ID card and employee access pass, and took home my beloved office plant (more on the beloved plant to follow).
I then reported the next day to be a Master of Social Work Intern at VMH, ARTEC, ASAP!!! Basically, for 20 hours a week, I work as an adolescent substance abuse counselor at Salt Lake City's public Mental Health facility. I'm in training now, but I'll eventually get a caseload of my own. I've already seen that these kids are smart, and have a lot of rich experience that I admire them for overcoming. I'm excited to help them overcome addiction and take in new coping skills. I like the kids. And especially since I'm not really a disciplinarian, I think I'll be as effecitive as can be expected.
Class on Thursday and Friday are kindof an afterthought. Haven't really freaked out about them yet, although they each will teach me good skills to broaden my current experience. I'll learn techniques in 8 different theories to apply in my theraputic travel sack, I'll learn more about general policy from a real Juvenile Court Judge, I'm learning more and more about the official diagnostic manual for all Mental Health professionals, one class focuses specifically on social welfare policy regarding our nation's baby boomers, and the last is a research methods class...I'm most excited about all of the OTHER ones :)
I only have one word to say on the matter: WOW! You sound so important and grown-up Alana! Good luck on your new adventures!