Friday, February 18, 2011

Scars no more!

In class the other day, the professor asked if any of us had some favorite scars. As a kid I would have jumped at this question.  As an adult, I really had to think.

My childhood scars have all faded--a medication I started taking about two years ago even has the side effect of controlling my acne--I have a burn on the back of my hand from cooking around Thanksgiving--but I don't like it, and I have two scars on my left calf that came from tripping over household furniture that REALLY hurt, and just made me mad at the furniture. 

As a kid I would have pointed out the burn on the side of my arm from a curling ironing accident, the fact that my nostrils are slightly misshapen from the time I broke it when I was nine (I liked the idea of being an LA girl and telling people I'd gotten a nose job), and a chip removed from my collarbone that came from a humorous event when I ran full sprint into the foundational supports of a 3 meter spring board at a public pool. 

But really, those all happened between 7 and 20 years ago.  I've either gotten more boring, or more coordinated.

Only future blogs will be able to tell!

1 comment:

  1. I have a scar on my left knee that I got when I crashed a motorcycle when I was 19. It makes me sound cooler than I really am. But normally when professors asked this question, I would mention my right index finger that got stuck in a meat grinder when I was 8. It always got a good reaction.
