Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weather Report: Bliss and Angst

In case you can't quite figure out what that sad blob is supposed to be in the picture, I'll tell you: it's a spring flower covered in snow.  Frozen, death bringing snow.

We had two absolutely beautiful days over the weekend.  One of the days I actually sweat a little bit!  The week before that also had two beautiful days in it!  I actually wore shorts long enough to realize that I need to buy new shorts!

The other ten days in the past two weeks have caused my emotions to react as if under a pressure cooker.  Disbelief begun the weekend of a snowstorm on our second anniversary has developed into impatience and annoyance, then seething disdain paired with soul sucking despair, and hit their peak yesterday when it started snowing as I sat in class.  Yesterday.  May 17th.  Almost June. 

In case you have yet to notice, my house plants are like pets to me.  I left home and it was around 50 degrees, expecting that it would warm up after a thunderstorm and the humidity would do my little Phil Junior some good.

The last Phil died when left outside during an unexpected snowstorm.

I cut my school plans short to race home and get Phil Jr. out of the cold.  I'm relieved to report that he was still alive.

Late winter weather: you threaten my pets, you die.

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