Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello, my name is Alana and I have a problem

So, something I am loathe to admit, I watch Star Trek.  My dad was way into it when I was a kid, and it was an okay show, but I never really paid attention to the finer points of it.  When Dale and I first got married we had no internet or cable, so we started watching whatever DVDs we could find in the evenings.  Dale had access to all 7 seasons of "Star Trek: the Next Generation" and I felt like it was safe, after having been visually traumatized by over 5 seasons of the TV series 24 during our dating months.  In order to have one thing less that we're trying to transition into, we watched episode after episode of Next Gen.  

There's nothing wrong with the show.  Patrick Stewart is pretty amazing, and it's rife full of AWESOME statements like "Last night I was reading some very erotic passages from my grandmother's journal."

The unfortunate side effect is that now I have a detailed knowledge of an entire Star Trek series.  And the thing is, when you're watching it, you WANT to understand the sociopolitical problems that are happening in the universe of the 24th century.  You just pick up the details as you watch it.

Dale likes to have a "full set" of things, so once we were done with that series, we started another... and another.

I'm not a trekkie, I swear.  I can just have a very intelligent conversation about the intricacies of a very involved and consistent TV show.

As if that weren't problematic enough, when we finish them all, Dale is super excited about going to a convention.  And he wants me to come. 

I love my husband, and his happiness is important to me.  It's just that I dread this on so many different levels.  What have I become?


  1. Hahaha, you're a Trekkie. No, I understand. I've heard many women describe similar things, like with sports for example. I have a friend who is a complete tennis expert, although she doesn't play at all. Her husband just happens to be a tennis fanatic.

    So you'll have to let us know how Comic Con goes.
