Thursday, December 1, 2011

Complex Household Appliances

When I was 16 my parents found themselves in need of a new refregerator.  I noticed that their selection was sufficiently not outdated for my teenage coolness needs, but didn't mark the event futher except to notice one thing.  On the day it came in I headed out to see my friends and noticed my parents cuddling, 3 feet out of the open refregerator door, gazing into it.  I told my friends about it when I went out and someone came up with the perfect statement to summarize our concerns "Oh, man, I hope I'm never 50."

Well, sad news but you don't have to wait until you're 50 to have a household appliance be the highlight of your week.  The week before Thanksgiving, Dale's parents drove these two beauties down from a Montana estate give away:
Just look at them.  Not only do we have an apartment that is big enough to house them, and also includes washer/dryer hook ups (Dale and I marvel at our beautiful apartment daily), but this is a significant step toward independence.  In my church I often hear our leaders chiding young couples saying statements like:
"Don't expect to have all that your parents have as soon as you get married.  It took a lifetime for them to build up the home that you have benefitted from.  Avoid unneccessary debt and be patient in accruing a household."
It seems like these laundry machines hold in them all that we are waiting to get but hope for.  At least they will for the next few months... This paragraph embodies what my parent's looked like 10 years ago with their new refregerator.

The excitement of the appliances is different from the excitement of getting our first new adult couch.  The couch is beautiful and comfortable and can be appreciated with the senses daily.  The washer/dryer will save me time and (hopefully) money.  That feels awesome!

I used them for the first time on Tuesday, and other than a mishap where the exit hose came out of the wall in the middle of a cycle and spewed several dozen gallons of dirty laundry water out onto the kitchen and dining room floors, it all worked out just fine. :)   It seems poetic that one more step toward an independed household should be marked with an incident foreshadowing the perils of home ownership.


  1. Yay! Having a washer and dryer is so awesome!

  2. Hahahaha! Sometimes the only time my floor got washed was when the hose came out of the washer! or maybe I shouldn't admit that . . . :)
    And congratulations on the new washer! you have arrived!!!
