Saturday, March 13, 2010

What to do when the husband is gone...

Does the spell checker in emails ever make you feel nervous? I've been trying to write this blog for the last hour and a half and those little telltale squigly lines compel me to spell things in an unnatural manner. I want to write things like "kindof" and "eachother" without feeling the subtle reprimand of the computer's ever present red pen! I like to spell things the way I want to! Sometimes while drafting a particularly eloquent sentence, I feel the rush of self-congratulations while writing a five-dollar word, only to get smacked with a red line and feel immediate shame once the last letter is completed.

Stinking computer! Who are you to tell me I'm not as smart as I think I am! If my co-workers, husband, and friends are gracious enough to let me live in the bubble of my own self-satisfaction, I find your whistle-blowing brutal and scathing! You won't make any friends (let alone find a man!) behaving that way!

I've decided to get my revenge by using words that the computer doesn't understand. The easiest way to do this and have it relate to my life is through the pet names that my husband proliferates daily. You see, when I start with even the most simple nickname like "Wifey" that telltale red zigzag doesn't know what to do! And when I upgrade to something like "Wifeykins-rufus" it goes nuts with zigzags all over the place! HAHA! I will defy you with my unknown propper nouns! And now I will continue to torment this computer with words like "Bootykoafer" and "HusbandmcGee!"

P.S. Will someone let me know if "propper" really is spelled with only one "p?" I don't really trust this all-unknowing spellchecker to lead me in the right direction...


  1. Oh Sweet Bootykoafercurlsandfries, you're so cute. That word was a big squiggly line.

  2. Yes, Sweet Bootykoafercurlsandfries, I concure.

  3. Yes, "proper" is spelled properly without the double p.

    So... you and Dale really call each other cooky names like that? Hehe, you're funny. Jeremy has some names for me, but I won't share... (BTW, the spell checker didn't like "cooky").

  4. It doesn't like "cooky" because it's spelled "kooky" :)
